Thursday 14 April 2016

How to Write Your Perfect Wedding Invitation Wording?

Wedding cards are an integral part of any wedding. Since they play such an important role in the marriage, everything related to it should be planned and executed in a perfect way. Usually people go for the best of design, style and material but what they forget is the wording of the invitation. The wording of your wedding invitation should be proper in every aspect to bring out the maximum from your wedding cards.

The certain things that should be kept in mind while writing your wedding card wordings are given below. You should make sure that your wedding invitation has proper language and the words chosen should convey the message in the best way.
1. What should be the Invitational Line:- The first line should convey the message that who is sending the invitation. Usually it has the name of the bride or groom parents who are hosting this event. The first line or the invitational line should reveal the hosts clearly.

2. What should be the Request Line:- The line which displays the requesting statement should be properly framed to convey the message in the strong way. Use proper english with best words without any spelling error.

3. Bride’s Name Inclusion:- The bride's name should be included in the wedding invitation. The bride name can be her individual or her family name, whichever she chooses. She can even keep her husband's family name if they are the host for the party.

4. How to Join Words:- The word which joins the name of the bride and groom should be properly selected. Usually the word “to” or “and” is used to join the couple's name. The selection of the joining word is a personal preference and should be selected according to own wish.

5. Groom’s Name Inclusion:- It would be advisable to include “Mr.” to the name of the groom in the wedding invitation. If he has taken a certain degree, special emphasis should be given to it, for instance “Doctor” should be fully written and not in short.

6. Use No Abbreviations:- Using abbreviated line or numerals in the wedding card is not good. Use full word “morning” or “evening” in your wedding invitation. Do not forget to include year and avoid using the word “on” before the date.

7. Mention Your Time:- Proper mentioning of the time is very essential for your guests to plan for your wedding. You should mention the exact time of your wedding in hour and minute. Use wordings like “at half after five o'clock”, if the time of the marriage is 5:30.

8. Exact Mentioning of Location:- The exact location of the marriage should be included in detail. Do not use abbreviation or less words while mentioning the site of the wedding. Even if you are marrying at your home, instead of writing “at my residence” give your full address.

10. Footnotes can be useful:- You can add a special footnote at the bottom of your wedding card to specify something special. If you have a special theme for dress or anything which needs to be mentioned, you can use footnotes to do so.

Myshadicards, an online wedding card provider can help you with choosing your ultimate wedding invitation. You should always remember that there is nothing more important than a beautifully crafted invitation. A well designed invitation card not only honour the importance and sanctity of the event but also holds the sentimental value intact.